Hit By A Stolen Car – Who Pays For The Damage?

By Jo Jeffries. Last Updated 19th December 2023. Welcome to this guide, which explains compensation payouts for an accident caused by a stolen car.If you’ve been hit by a stolen car, who pays for the damage?

This article will explore how to make a personal injury claim if you were in an accident with a stolen vehicle and suffered injuries. You may have been a driver, passenger or pedestrian. We also explain who could pay for criminal damage to your car, who pays for criminal damage in cases where a car is stolen, and insurance won’t pay out, and whether stolen car insurance claims could affect a no-claims bonus. Plus, we look at the hit-and-run penalty in the UK and answer questions such as ‘Can I claim for criminal damage to my car?’

Road traffic accidents can result in life-changing injuries that cause severe pain and suffering and loss of amenity for the victim. Seeking compensation can help you get your life back on track.

Who Pays If My Car Was Stolen And Involved In An Accident UK

You may have some questions such as:

  • What happens if I find my car was stolen and caused an accident in the UK?
  • If I’ve been hit by a stolen car, who pays for the damage?

This article will answer these questions and many more to offer as much guidance and advice as possible.

Our friendly team of advisers are available 24 hours a day to chat with you about your situation and offer free legal advice. If you have a valid claim, they can connect you to our expert personal injury solicitors to discuss No Win No Fee agreements with you.

You can contact our team of advisers by:

  • Ringing them on 0800 073 8801 to talk with an adviser today.
  • Request a call back at your earliest convenience.
  • Chat with an adviser via our live chat pop-up box for a reply immediately.

criminal damage to car who pays

Hit by a stolen car who pays for the damage guide

Select A Section

  1. Who Is Liable If You Were Hit By A Stolen Vehicle?
  2. Proving Liability In Stolen Car Accidents
  3. Could I Claim Through The Motor Insurers’ Bureau?
  4. Stolen Vehicle Criminal Injury Claims
  5. Will My Claim Be Affected By Any Criminal Prosecutions?
  6. Hit By A Stolen Car Who Pays For The Damage Or Injuries – Claims Calculator
  7. What Are Considered To Be Special Damages?
  8. Stolen Vehicle Claims And No Win No Fee Agreements
  9. Why Choose Us For Stolen Car Injury Claims?
  10. Talk To Us
  11. Useful Pages

Who Is Liable If You Were Hit By A Stolen Vehicle?

In some road traffic accidents, it’s obvious who’s at fault. If you’re hit by a stolen vehicle and it’s obvious they’re at fault, there still may be some issues with gaining compensation. This is because someone driving a stolen car is uninsured.

Usually, the insurers of the at-fault car would pay compensation to victims injured in the accident.

You may think that if you suffer injuries by a driver in a stolen vehicle, the chance of claiming compensation is impossible. However, there is an organisation known as the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). It provides compensation in cases of accidents caused by stolen or untraceable drivers.

What To Do If Someone Hits Your Car And Drives Off

If someone hits your car and drives off in the UK, some actions you could take include:

  1. Try to get the vehicle’s registration number, make and model, and any other details you can remember about the car and driver.
  2. Report the incident to the police as soon as possible, providing them with any information you have gathered.
  3. Contact your insurance company to report the incident and provide them with any information you have gathered.
  4. If there were any witnesses to the incident, try to obtain their contact details.

Additionally, if you are injured in an accident where someone hits your car and drives off, getting legal advice could be useful. You could find out what your rights are in terms of claiming compensation. You could call the helpline to speak to an advisor about this. They would be happy to help you. 

Proving Liability In Stolen Car Accidents

If a vehicle that is stolen is involved in an accident it does not mean that this driver is liable. As with any road traffic accident, liability must be proven. As per the Highway code all road users owe each other a duty of care to keep one another safe on the road. Although a driver driving without insurance breaches this duty it does not mean they are automatically at fault for the accident.

The Road Traffic Act 1988 states that all road users have a duty of care to follow the rules of the road. This is to decrease the chance of accidents. To prove liability evidence is needed. This evidence or proof can come in the form of;

  • Witness statements
  • Pictures of visible injuries
  • CCTV footage
  • Pictures of road marks
  • Images of damage to your car
  • Photographs of the scene

Could I Claim Through The Motor Insurers’ Bureau?

The Motor Insurer’s Bureau (MIB) works to help claimants who have been in an accident with a stolen or uninsured vehicle. This ensures that there’s still a possibility you can claim compensation if your injuries were due to the other driver’s negligence.

A stolen car crash can mean the car insurance provider refuses to pay compensation. Similarly, if a car is uninsured, there’s no insurance provider to pay it at all.

In these cases, the MIB can award compensation for your injuries. The MIB began in 1946 and has been helping road users who suffer injuries in a stolen car crash ever since.

In the majority of cases, there’s a three-year personal injury claims time limit. Meaning you must begin proceedings within 3 years of the accident or 3 years of gaining knowledge of your injuries. Those who are under 18 and those who have reduced mental capacities are not yet subject to a limitation period. This changes when the claimant reaches 18 or the person gains mental capacity.

On the other hand, someone you trust can become a litigation friend to allow them to make a claim on your behalf.

Therefore, if you are unsure which time limit applies in your case call our claims team for free advice. They are contactable 7 days a week 24 hours a day.

Stolen Vehicle Criminal Injury Claims

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme is funded by the government. It aims to compensate victims of injuries sustained from violent criminal activity. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) handle all claims of this nature.

The CICA offers compensation for people who’ve suffered injuries due to violent crimes. You may be able to claim through the CICA if:

  • You’ve suffered a criminal injury
  • A loved one has passed away
  • You witnessed a loved one be victim to a serious crime (or witnessed the sudden aftermath)
  • You paid the funeral costs for a loved one who died due to a violent crime

The time limit for claims through the CICA is two years. This means you must start the claim within two years. However, there are exceptions to the rule. Furthermore, you must submit a police report before pursuing a claim.

Who Pays For Criminal Damage To My Car?

If someone causes criminal damage to your car, who pays compensation depends on the insurance policy that you have, amongst other factors. For example, if your car is damaged due to vandalism, and you are covered for third-party fire and theft, your policy may not cover you for repairs.

However, if you have fully comprehensive insurance, your insurer may pay out on such claims. While it may seem wrong to make a claim against your own insurance policy, this is one of the reasons that you would take out such a policy. Some policies have additional extras, which cover vandalism and deliberate damage, while others do not. It may be best to check your policy to see what is covered. 

If you’d like to ask us more about what damages could be payable in criminal injury compensation claims, please do not hesitate to contact an advisor.

Will My Claim Be Affected By Any Criminal Prosecutions?

A personal injury claim, because you are injured by a stolen vehicle, will not be hindered by criminal prosecution if liability for the accident has already been proven.

You may be able to make a claim if you’re not at fault. This is to offer compensation to you if you’ve been in a stolen car accident and have suffered injuries as a result.

Our team of advisers are available around the clock to offer free legal advice and talk through your situation with you. If you have a promising claim, an adviser can connect you to a personal injury solicitor to begin working on your personal injury claim.

Hit By A Stolen Car Who Pays For The Damage Or Injuries – Claims Calculator

Some articles may include a personal injury claims calculator, but we’ve used a compensation table instead. The figures may vary as this table is an example.

This table includes the latest figures from the Judicial College Guidelines (JC). It shows the severity of the injuries and the symptoms they may present with. The JCG is a document that solicitors often refer to when valuing injuries in personal injury cases. The Judicial College compiles these figures using past cases in court settlements.

Compensation table

Injury: Notes: Compensation:
Other Arm Injuries (a) Severe injuries that don’t require amputation but are severe and leave the person unable to use their arm. £96,160 to £130,930
Other Arm Injuries (b) Injuries resulting in permanent and substantial disablement. One or both forearms suffering serious fractures, resulting in permanent disability. £39,170 to £59,860
Other Arm Injuries (c) Less severe £19,200 to £39,170
Other Arm Injuries (d) Simple forearm fractures £6,610 to £19,200
Wrist Injuries (a) Complete loss of function in the wrist. An arthrodesis has been carried out. £47,620 to £59,860
Wrist Injuries (b) A significant disability that’s permanent. However, there’s still some useful movement. £24,500 to £39,170
Injuries to the Elbow (b) Less severe injuries. Lack of elbow function. No need for surgery and doesn’t result in significant disability. £15,650 to £32,010
Injuries to the Elbow (c) Moderate or minor injury. Tennis elbow syndrome, simple fractures and lacerations. Up to £12,590
Back Injuries (b) (ii) Moderate, leading to backache caused by disturbed ligaments and muscles, for example. £12,510 to £27,760

The brackets here show different types of injuries along with their severities. The amount paid will depend on the severity of the injury and the treatment needed. It will also look at the quality of life decrease.

Successful claims settlements could include  general and special damages. General damages are in the above table and compensate the claimant for the pain and suffering from their injuries. While special damages look at financial losses caused by the injuries. We show special damage examples in the next section. For example, you may suffer from depression that stops you from working and causes a decrease in earnings. 

What Are Considered To Be Special Damages? 

Special damages look at how your injuries have impacted you financially. To claim special damages you must provide sufficient evidence. That way, you can receive compensation for the financial loss.

Below we have included some examples of the types of losses special damages can compensate you for;

  • Loss of earnings – If your injury resulted in you taking time off work, you may have suffered a loss of earnings. An example of evidence you could use to prove this is payslips and bank statements.
  • Cost of care – Your injuries may mean you have to hire a carer to look after you whilst you heal from your injuries. For example, they may cook for you as you have to rest. Alternatively, you may have had to hire a carer for an elderly family member who you usually care for but can’t whilst you recover from your injury.
  • Medication costs – You may have paid out of pocket for prescription medication. To prove this, you can gather prescriptions and bank statements.
  • Costs of travel – You may have paid out of pocket to travel to and from medical appointments, for example by bus. An example of evidence to provide for this is bus tickets.

If you’d like to discuss how much special damages compensation you could claim, you can contact our team of advisers. We could provide free legal advice. If the question you’re asking is ‘I’ve been hit by a car, who pays for the damage?’ our team of advisers can discuss this with you.

Stolen Vehicle Claims And No Win No Fee Agreements

If you’ve suffered injuries because you were hit by a stolen vehicle, you might want to get a personal injury solicitor to help you claim. Not only could a solicitor explain whether you could claim for criminal damage to your car or whether you could receive a stolen car insurance payout, they could also take on the hard work of proving your claim and negotiating a fair settlement for you. 

How No Win No Fee Solicitors Could Help You Start Your Claim Today

If you’re wondering how to pay for a solicitor to help you make a claim for injuries caused by a stolen vehicle, you might want to consider making a No Win No Fee claim. There are different types of these arrangements, including a Conditional Fee Agreement.

Under the terms of a CFA, you generally won’t pay for the services your solicitor has provided if the claim fails. You also won’t need to pay for these services upfront or while your claim is ongoing.

If the claim succeeds, you will pay a success fee from your compensation. This is subject to a legal cap.

We would be happy to talk to you further about making No Win No Fee claims with our stolen vehicle accident solicitors. Please feel free to call our advisors for free legal advice.

Why Choose Us For Stolen Car Injury Claims?

It’s completely your decision which personal injury solicitor you decide to work with. You can research online for different solicitors to find one who works for you. However, it’s important to note that you don’t have to stick with a personal injury solicitor in your local area.

Our personal injury solicitors work with claimants across the country to help them get more money from an injury claim. They’re empathetic and professional when working with claimants. They also have experience in helping claimants receive the compensation they deserve.

You can contact our team of advisers today to receive free legal advice about your situation. If you have a valid claim, an adviser can connect you to a personal injury solicitor to discuss No Win No Fee agreements with you and begin the claims process.

Talk To Us

Our team of advisers are available every hour of the day to help you with your needs and assess whether you can make a personal injury claim.

Afterwards, you’re under no obligation to continue with our services if you don’t wish to. However, if you’d like, an adviser can connect you with an empathetic, professional personal injury solicitor if your claim is legitimate.

A personal injury solicitor can then explore working with you on a No Win No Fee basis and help you gather as much sufficient evidence as possible for your claim.

To contact our team of advisers, you can:

  • Give them a call on 0800 073 8801 to chat about your case.
  • Send a message via our live chat pop-up box for an instant response.
  • Fill out our online claims form to receive a reply at your nearest convenience.

Useful Pages 

Below, you can find some more useful resources on making a compensation claim:

How Do I Know If I’ve Broken A Bone? – If you suspect you may have a bone fracture, this NHS guide includes the information you need to know.

Whiplash – Have you suffered whiplash due to a car accident? This NHS guide includes whiplash treatment and symptoms.

Broken Leg – This NHS article explores the symptoms, treatment and recovery process of a broken leg.

Wrongful Death Claim – If your loved one has passed due to someone else’s negligence, our guide explores how you may be able to make a fatal accident claim.

Cycling Accident Claims – Have you suffered a cycling accident due to someone else’s negligence? Our article looks at how you could make a personal injury claim.

£4 Million Brain Damage Payout After A Road Traffic Accident – Our article discusses road traffic accident personal injury claims.