By Jo Anderson. Last Updated 7th August 2023. Welcome to our online guide, where we will be looking at how to make a hit and run accident compensation claims with a personal injury lawyer. Throughout the guide’s course, we will provide free legal advice and address critical questions. For instance, you may have questions regarding compensation for a hit and run accident, and in this guide, we will address that.
hit and run claim
Whether or not any property has been damaged or someone has been hurt, it is still a criminal offence if a driver fails to stop after a road traffic accident. If you have been injured in a hit and run accident, as well as the injuries you may suffer, these accidents can cause emotional trauma and psychological conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and could also end up costing you money. Hit and run accidents should be reported to the police and (if people are injured) the other emergency services. You should also contact and notify your insurance provider within 24 hours of the accident happening. This applies even if you are not claiming your own insurance.
How Much Can I Claim For A Hit And Run Accident?
If you are unfortunate enough to have suffered an injury from a driver who failed to stop, you may still be entitled to make a compensation claim, even if you can not identify the driver or do not have any details of the person who is liable for your injuries. Whilst this can make your claim more complex to conduct, our expert team can still help you.
In this guide, you find advice about the further steps you should take if you have been involved in a hit and run accident, as well as how bodies such as the Motor Insurers Bureau and solicitors can help you.
Select a section
- A guide to hit and run accident claims
- Hit and run accident statistics
- What is a hit and run accident?
- What are the leading causes of hit and run accidents?
- What to do after a hit and run accident?
- What is the Motor Insurance Bureau?
- Hit and run accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists
- Types of hit and run accidents
- What can you claim for after a hit and run accident?
- Hit and run compensation claims calculator
- Why choose us as your claims management service?
- No Win No Fee hit and run accident claims
- Contact Accident Claims UK Today About Hit And Run Accident Compensation Claims
- Useful links Relating To Hit And Run Accident Compensation Claims
A guide to hit and run accident claims
Before we go further into the circumstances around hit and run accidents and injuries, we need to establish who they can affect. Hit and run traffic accidents may involve drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, passengers, cyclists, and any other pavement or road user.
Some people can make compensation claims in these circumstances. Being involved in an accident and needing to make a hit and run claim can be a very distressing time. However, you should still be aware of your rights, as well as what you should do in the event of being involved in such an accident and how to make a compensation claim if the driver responsible is not traceable.
Hit & run accident claims are very common in the UK, with many drivers simply driving off after an accident. This may be because the driver panicked. After all, they did not have insurance or did not want to become involved in a legal procedure. Whilst it may seem hopeless, in cases such as these, you may still be able to make a compensation claim through the MIB or Motor Insurers’ Bureau. This was designed to ensure that injured people due to someone driving off don’t have to suffer financially.
We have written this hit & run car accident claim guide to help people who have suffered a hit and run car accident (or other hit & run accident) to learn their rights and find out how to make a successful compensation claim.
How Long Do I have To Make A Hit And Run Claim?
You may be wondering how long you have to begin a hit and run claim. For personal injury claims, you would normally have three years from the accident date to start legal proceedings as per the Limitation Act 1980 would usually apply.
However, there are exceptions that could apply. For example, if a child is injured in a hit and run accident, the limitation period would pause. During this pause, a responsible adult could apply to be a litigation friend for the child and claim on their behalf. If this isn’t done by the time the child turns 18, they will have three years from their 18th birthday to begin their own claim.
There are also some exceptions that apply to those who lack the mental capacity to begin their own claim. In these instances, the time limit is paused indefinitely. A litigation friend can start a claim on the person’s behalf while the pause is in place. If the person recovers their capacity, and no claim has already been started for them, they will have three years from the recovery date to do so themselves.
To learn more about the limitation period for seeking hit and run compensation, call an advisor on the number above.
Hit and run accident statistics
Whilst the number of uninsured drivers on the UK’s roads has decreased, there has been an increase in the number of claims made to the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB). The body compensates people who have been injured by an uninsured driver or in cases, such as hit and run accidents, where the driver failed to stop.
The number of hit and run claims made to the bureau increase from 12,884 in 2013 to 13,483 in 2014. Hit and run UK statistics show an increase, and looking at London alone, we can see how prevalent this type of accident is, with 5,000 people being injured or killed on the capital’s roads in a single year (2015). These figures are continuing to rise. In 2017 hit and run incidents accounted for approximately 12% of all road traffic accidents reported to the police and involved an injury.
General Road Traffic Accident Statistics
If you’re wondering how many road traffic accident casualties there are year on year, we can give you some insight from the government’s website. According to the DfT, in 2020, 1,460 deaths on British roads were estimated to have occurred. Further to this, there were 115,584 estimated casualties of all severities. These casualties affected many different types of road users.
The most common casualties were those in cars, followed by pedal cyclists. You can see the spread in the graphic below, and also how it compares with the previous year’s figures.
What is a hit and run accident?
Any accident involving a vehicle (and potentially other road users, property or pedestrians) in which the driver responsible for causing the accident drives away from without leaving their name, contact information and contact details is called a ‘hit and run’ case. Hit and run accidents under UK law are considered criminal offence. So, you should receive compensation for a hit and run accident in this scenario.
Reporting a hit and run accident in the UK
There are circumstances in which it may not be safe for the driver to stop at the accident scene, such as if they felt the overall situation unsafe or if they feel threatened by other parties at the accident. In such cases, the offending driver must report the accident to the police within 24 hours. Failing to do so is a criminal offence. Police hit and run procedure in the UK can often pursue criminal action against the offending driver. Punishment can range from 5-10 penalty points on a driving licence, disqualification from driving, a fine of up to £5,000, or a six-month prison sentence. If the victim suffered serious injuries or was killed due to the accident, the defendant may face sterner sentencing.
They may be unintentional
The majority of hit and run cases are unintentional, in that the driver did not intend to either cause the accident or flee the accident after it has happened. In most cases, this is a spontaneous reaction as people fear criminal prosecution. Drivers who do not have insurance are much more likely to flee than other motorists. And they are therefore more likely to be the subject of hit and run claims.
What are the leading causes of hit and run accidents?
Of the 12% of accidents on the UK’s roads which lead to ht and run car accident claims, half were traced through witnesses, such as other motorists and pedestrians. Leaving the scene of an accident which you caused without leaving your details is a serious offence. According to research carried out by the Motor Insurance Bureau, 45% of people responsible for this type of accident would not have done so had they known that it is a criminal offence to do so.
The most common reason for young drivers (those aged 16 – 34) to leave the accident scene was because they did not have insurance. This was followed closely by drinking and panicking or fearing what would happen if they stayed. Drivers over the age of 34 were more likely to leave the scene of an accident if they thought it was not serious enough to be reported.
The MIB, the police, is recommended and is also a legal requirement to have an adequate vehicle or driver insurance.
What to do after a hit and run accident?
What to do after a hit and run accident? If you have been injured in a hit and run accident and are worried about claiming compensation, don’t be. Whilst these claims may be harder to conduct, there are ways in which you can still prove that your injuries were caused by an accident that was someone else’s fault and in which you can make a compensation claim.
One of the first steps you should take is to take the names and contact details of any witnesses who can confirm your account of the accident. Ask if anyone else got a clear view of the driver or noted the vehicles registration number.
Before you leave the accident scene, take as many photos as possible of any damage to property, injuries to yourself, or other supporting evidence. Try to take pictures from multiple angles and get images that show where the accident happened and the immediate area around it. Make sure any images showing damage to your property or injuries to yourself are as clear as possible.
If there were no witnesses, don’t worry. The UK has one of the most extensive networks of CCTV cameras. After an accident, you have the legal right to ask for a copy of any CCTV recordings covering the accident scene.
What is the Motor Insurance Bureau?
The Motor Insurance Bureau is a company that will compensate victims in the event of being injured by a driver who does not stop or one who is not insured. They are the party we will claim against if we are unable to trace the responsible driver. In claims made against the MIB, the compensation is funded through other motorists’ insurance premiums. The MIB works in conjunction with the police, insurance companies and the DVLA. Throughout your hit and run claim, we will liaise with the MIB to secure you the highest level of compensation possible. You can find further information on how the Motor Insurance Bureau helps people in this government guide.
Hit and run accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists
If you are a pedestrian and have been injured due to a hit and run incident, you could have a strong compensation claim. If the vehicle mounted the pavement or if you were using a pedestrian crossing at the time, you will have an even stronger claim.
As with other drivers and pedestrians, cyclists involved in a hit and run accident may go through a traumatic event after which they often believe that they will not be able to make a compensation claim as there is no identified defendant to claim against.
As with other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists can make their claim through the Motor Insurance Bureau.
Types of hit and run accidents
Below we look more in-depth at some of the different types of hit and run claims people make with us. And we also note how this could shape the compensation for a hit and run accident that you may receive.
Fatal hit and run accidents
We understand that losing a loved one in a hit and run incident can be extremely traumatic and distressing. Whilst we understand that no amount of money can make up for your loss, it can help to alleviate any financial burden that may have come with this loss. According to the Fatal Accidents Act, 1976, the dependents of someone killed in a fatal hit and run accident are entitled to make a compensation claim. Dependents include;
- A spouse or partner as well as ex-partners and former spouses.
- Children and other descendants, including children who were adopted or those through a civil partnership or stepchildren.
- Dependent parents, grandparents or other similar relatives.
- Siblings, cousins, uncles & aunts as well as nieces and & nephews.
- Someone who has lived with the deceased for more than two years before the fatal accident.
When you make a claim for a fatal accident on the road, in some cases you may be able to get compensation for your bereavement. You could also receive compensation that could help towards funeral expenses. In some cases, if you have lost out on financial support because your loved one has passed away, you could potentially receive some compensation for this too. As we mentioned, no amount of money could ever make up for the loss of someone you love. However, it could help you to move forward in a better financial position than if you had not made a claim.
If you would like to speak to us about making a fatal accident claim, we would be delighted to help you. We would handle your claim with the upmost sensitivity, and give you all the time you need to speak to us and ask any questions that you may like to have answered.
Children hit by uninsured drivers
In the case of a child hit by an uninsured driver, the child’s parents can claim on their behalf up until the child’s 18th birthday. After this age, the child can claim on their own behalf. Any money awarded to the child will be invested on their behalf in a fund approved by the courts. This will be transferred to the child on their 18th birthday. If the child does require medical care or suffers other costs before they turn 18, the child accident claim settlement can be invested into a trust fund. This can then be used to fund care when needed.
It is important to recognise that if you are claiming for an accident that you had when a child, hit and run accident compensation claims do have a time limit. You would usually have until your 21st birthday to make a claim, but please call us for further advice and to check when you would need to launch your claim by.
Whiplash hit and run injuries
Whiplash is one of the most common injuries people suffer in a hit and run accident in the UK and are one of the most common hit and run car accident claims we process. In many cases, whiplash will get better by itself. However, in certain cases, it may require physiotherapy and can even become chronic.
What can you claim for after a hit and run accident?
Suppose you have been injured by a driver who failed to stop after an accident you deserve to claim not just for your physical and psychological injuries but also for any costs or expenses you have incurred as a result. Two types of compensation will make up the final hit and run compensation amount you will be awarded.
The first type is general damages. These are paid out based on the ‘pain and suffering’ the victim has suffered. Your injuries will be assessed by an independent medical expert who can ascertain the impact it has already had on your life, as well as the likely impact in the future. General damages will consider whether the injury will stop you from doing the things you usually do, such as a hobby or sports.
Special damages are awarded for costs and expenses you have incurred due to your injuries and the accident. They could be awarded for medical costs that you have had to pay or other out-of-pocket expenses. The full range of special damages compensation for a hit and run accident include;
- Medical costs including; prescription medication and medical care, physiotherapy, and any other rehabilitative or palliative treatment needed.
- Adaptations to your home or vehicle.
- The cost of any home help needed.
- Travel expenses.
- Any loss of earnings and/ or benefits.
Our team will always work to get your compensation settlement as quickly as possible.
Hit and run compensation claims calculator
As each accident’s circumstances and the injuries suffered are different, it can be difficult to estimate the total amount of compensation you could be entitled to claim. The table below looks at common injuries that people often suffer as a result of road traffic accidents. This can help to give you an idea of the amount of compensation that you could be entitled to claim. These guidelines show the different amounts of money you could be awarded for different injury types and severities.
Injury Type | Severity | Amount |
Brain Damage | Very Severe | £282,010 to £403,990 |
Brain Damage | Moderatley Severe | £219,070 to £282,010 |
Brain Damage | Less Severe | £15,320 to £43,060 |
Neck Injury | Severe | In the region of £148,330 |
Neck Injury | Moderate | £24,990 to £38,490 |
Back Injury | Severe | £91,090 to £160,980 |
Back Injury | Moderate | £27,760 to £38,780 |
Psychiatric Damage Generally | Severe | £54,830 to £115,730 |
Psychiatric Damage Generally | Moderately Severe | £19,070 to £54,830 |
How much compensation you could be awarded for special damages will be unique to your hit and run claim. Early in your claim, we will be able to advise you on what you could claim for. As these figures are unique to each claimant, we can not give you figures for what you could claim.
Why choose us as your claims management service?
Whether or not you are ready to start your hit and run accident claim or whether you need any further advice and information about the overall process of making a personal injury claim or how settlements are calculated, talk to our team today. Sadly, hit and run accidents are all too common in the UK and whilst they can be one of the more complicated claims we conduct for claimants, our team has the knowledge and experience to do so successfully.
We know any time you have to face using a solicitor or use legal services can be very stressful even when you are right. We know how important it is for our claimants to be treated with care and understanding. We aim to make the process of claiming compensation as streamlined and as easy for you as possible.
No Win No Fee hit and run accident claims
If you have suffered any type of physical, emotional or psychological injury or illness caused by the hit and run accident, which was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim compensation in these cases from the MIB. Historically, many people have been put off claiming compensation or taking similar legal action because of the costs they anticipate incurring. However, the introduction of No Win No Fee claims has allowed millions of people who would otherwise not be able to make a claim to do so by removing any financial barriers or burdens in the way.
Accident Claims UK is proud to offer our clients Conditional Fee Agreements. Commonly known as No Win No Fee agreements, they are a special type of contract under which a solicitor may provide services to a client. The contract will set out the work a solicitor will conduct for the client and their payment structure. It will set out what any success fees will be, as well as when or how the payments will be made. The agreement should state that you will not have to make any upfront payments before starting working with you or whilst the claim is being carried out.
The Conditional Fee Agreement will also determine that the claimant will not be liable for and solicitors fees or associated legal costs if the claim is unsuccessful. Before you sign and agree on the contract, your solicitor will make sure that you have read it and understood what you are signing up for.
Contact Accident Claims UK Today About Hit And Run Accident Compensation Claims
At Accident Claims UK, we have a dedicated and experienced team who are on hand to take your call and discuss the individual circumstances of your accident, injuries and claim. After this, if we believe you have a valid compensation claim, we will provide you with a No Win No Fee solicitor or lawyer who can help you make a hit and run claim. You can contact our team today by calling us on 0800 073 8801.
You can also reach us by sending the initial details of your accident and injuries by email to, or you can fill in our online contact form and request a call back here. However, you choose to contact Accident Claims UK, don’t delay. Contact us today and get the compensation for a hit and run accident you deserve.
Useful links Relating To Hit And Run Accident Compensation Claims
Penalty points and endorsements
Information from the government about endorsement codes and penalty points relating to motoring offences.
The consequences of failing to stop at an accident
Find out more about the very serious consequences of failing to stop at an accident if you are responsible. This could affect hit and run accident compensation claims.
Take a look at the NHS website to learn more about back injuries.
Why not take a look at the link above to access mental health resources provided by the NHS.
Road Accident Claims – As well as hit and run accident compensation claims, we could help with other road accident claims.
Motorcycle Accident Claims – Find out how to claim for a motorcycle accident here.
Cyclist Accident Claims – Whether you’re making hit and run accident compensation claims as a cyclist, or other road accident claims involving a bike, this could help.
Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on how to make a hit and run claim. We hope you have learned a lot about how to make a hit and run accident compensation claims.