By Jo Anderson. Last Updated 9th January 2024. Welcome to our guide to part time worker accident claims. If you were injured at work because of an accident that was not your fault, you may be eligible to claim compensation. If you are a part-time worker who suffered an accident, can you make a part-time worker accident claim?
Part-time employees have the same workplace safety protection under the law as full-time employees do. So if your employer or another party acted negligently, and this led to an accident in which you were injured, you may be eligible to make a part-time employee injury claim for compensation.
If you are a part-time worker who has been injured in an accident at work, contact Accident Claims UK for free legal advice about claiming compensation. If we can see that you have a valid claim for compensation for an injury at work, we could assign a skilled personal injury lawyer to start working on your No Win No Fee claim. To begin your claim, call us today on 0800 073 8801. Or contact us in writing about your claim.
Part-time worker accident claims guide
Select A Section
- Am I Eligible To Claim For An Injury While Working Part Time?
- Time Limit For Part-Time Worker Injury Claims
- How To Prove Your Employer Acted In A Negligent Way
- Part-Time Worker Accident Compensation Calculator
- No Win No Fee Part-Time Worker Accident Claims
- Essential References
Am I Eligible To Claim For An Injury While Working Part Time?
Every employer owes their employees a duty of care. They must take reasonable steps to prevent their employees from being harmed due to the work or the workplace. This is per the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974(HASAWA). Regardless of whether you work full-time or part-time, your employer owes you this duty of care. Examples of steps your employer could implement to maintain their duty of care include:
- Providing sufficient training.
- Supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) when needed.
- Performing regular risk assessments.
Should your employer breach duty and you suffer a part time worker injury, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.
In order to have a valid part time worker injury compensation claim, you must meet the personal injury claiming criteria. This is:
- Your employer owed you a duty of care.
- They failed to adhere to this duty of care.
- Due to this breach, you suffered an injury.
To learn more about making part time compensation claims, or to check the eligibility of your case, please contact an advisor.
Time Limit For Part-Time Worker Injury Claims
If you are eligible to make a part time worker injury compensation claim, you will need to ensure that you begin legal proceedings within the correct limitation period. Per the Limitation Act 1980, you would typically have three years from the accident date to start a claim for your part time worker injury. However, there are some exceptions to this.
For example, if someone under the age of 18 were injured while working part-time, the limitation period would pause until their 18th birthday. From this date, they would then have three years to begin their own legal proceedings. Alternatively, while the limitation period is paused, a claim could be started on their behalf by a litigation friend.
Those lacking the mental capacity to start their own claim will have the limitation period suspended. During this suspension, a litigation friend could make a claim on their behalf. If the claimant were to regain this required mental capacity and no claim had been started on their behalf, they would have three years to begin their own legal proceedings from the date of recovery.
To learn more about making a personal injury claim while working part time, the compensation that could be awarded and how one of our No Win No Fee solicitors could help you, contact our advisors today.
How To Prove Your Employer Acted In A Negligent Way
After suffering a part-time employee injury at work, you could collect evidence to support your case at the scene of the accident (if you’re able to). For your claim to be successful, you will need to prove that the accident happened because your employer acted negligently and this caused your injuries.
If you are seriously injured at work, we recommend that you prioritise getting the right medical care. A colleague could collect evidence at the scene to support your compensation claim.
You can take the following steps to collect evidence to support your compensation claim:
- Take photographs of the hazard that caused your injuries. If possible, include a date stamp.
- Take photographs of your injuries. If possible, include a date stamp.
- Speak to colleagues that saw the accident take place and take down their contact details. They may be able to make a witness statement to support your compensation claim.
- Report your injuries to your manager or supervisor.
- Make sure that you (or someone you trust, if necessary) has recorded the injury in the organisation’s accident record book. The date, time, place and details of your accident must be recorded accurately.
- Get medical treatment as soon as possible. Getting the right treatment important to help you recover from or manage your injuries. It is also important to have your injuries diagnosed by a doctor, so there is evidence of your injuries in your medical records. This can be helpful when making a successful personal injury claim.
- Keep receipts of any purchases made relating to your injuries, such as medication. These receipts may be used as evidence to support your claim. You may be able to claim these costs back as special damages.
Part-Time Worker Accident Compensation Calculator
If your part time compensation claim is successful, you could receive a payout that includes both general damages and special damages.
General damages is the head of claim compensating you for the pain and suffering caused by your part time worker injury. Those calculating such payouts could refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This publication provides compensation guidelines for a range of injuries at different severities.
The table below contains some figures from the 2022 edition of the JCG, aside from the first figure. This table should only be used as guidance. The amount you could receive will depend on the specifics of your part-time worker injury compensation claim.
Location Of The Injury | Severity | Estimated Settlement | Description Of The Injury |
Combination of serious injuries with associated financial expenses. | Serious | Up to £500,000+ | Multiple serious injuries with financial expenses such as care costs and loss of income, as well as pain and suffering. |
Epilepsy | Established Grand Mal (a) | £102,000 to £150,110 | Established Grand Mal |
Arm Injuries | Severe (a) | £96,160 to £130,930 | Severe forms of injury which fall just short of necessitating an amputation. |
Chest Injuries | (C) | £31,310 to £54,830 | Where the chest injury includes an injury to the lungs which causes and leaves the person with a degree of disability. |
Hand Injuries | Serious (e) | £29,000 to £61,910 | The injuries have reduced the persons hand usage to about 50% though injuries fall short of being severe or the loss of a hand. |
Back Injuries | Moderate (i) | £27,760 to £38,780 | The person could have suffered a compression fracture or a crush fracture of the lumbar vertebrae. |
Injuries to the Pelvis and Hips | Moderate (i) | £26,590 to £39,170 | Significant pelvic or hip injuries where permanent disability is not major. |
Neck Injuries | Moderate (i) | £24,990 to £38,490 | Neck injuries which present as a fracture or a dislocation in the neck. This could require people to have a spinal fusion treatment. |
Wrist Injuries | (B) | £24,500 to £39,170 | Significant and permanent injuries to the wrist. This is the second most serious degree of wrist injury. |
Injured Brain or Head | Less severe (d) | £15,320 to £43,060 | Compensation settlements are based on how severe the brain injury is as well as what degree of depression, personality change and disability the person has suffered. |
Shoulder Injuries | Serious (b) | £12,770 to £19,200 | Fractures and dislocations which could cause a person to have pain in their shoulders, neck and the elbow. |
Fracture of Clavicle | Fracture of Clavicle (e) | £5,150 to £12,240 | The settlement is based on factors including how severe the fracture is and residual symptoms. |
As well as general damages, you could receive special damages, which compensate you for the financial damage caused by your injury.
This could include:
- Medical expenses, such as paying for prescriptions.
- Care costs, if you have required care at home due to your injuries.
- Loss of earnings, if you have lost out on pay due to your injuries as they left you unable to work.
- Travel expenses for trips to see medical professionals about your injury or to meet with your lawyer.
You will need to provide evidence of these losses with documents such as payslips and invoices.
To learn more about compensation for part time worker claims, please contact an advisor.
No Win No Fee Part-Time Worker Accident Claims
Some claimants may start a personal injury claim by paying an upfront fee to their solicitor. This doesn’t have to be so, however. If you have been injured because of a workplace accident that wasn’t your fault, our specialist solicitors can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.
How do No Win No Fee claims work?
- Your solicitor agrees to work on your part-time worker injury claim without charging you an upfront solicitor’s fee.
- Instead, you will only have to pay them the success fee if your claim is successful. This will be formalised by signing a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).
- In the event that you do not win your compensation claim, you will not have to pay the solicitor’s fee.
For many people, there is less financial risk involved in funding a solicitor on a No Win No Fee basis. It can also be helpful because the fee is deducted from the claimant’s compensation payout, rather than payable upfront. If you wish to learn more about making a No Win No Fee claim, give Accident Claims UK a call to speak to a claims advisor.
Use the contact details below to reach us:
- Call us on 0800 073 8801.
- Email us today.
- Use the live chat to speak message us.
Essential References
We hope you have found this guide to claiming compensation for a part-time employee injury helpful. You may also wish to read these personal injury claims guides.
- Government guides to employee rights
- Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
- Head here to view our Accident At Work FAQs
- Head here to learn more about making an accident at work claim
- How to make an injury claim against your workplace
Thank you for reading our guide to making a part-time worker accident claim. Hopefully you now know how to make part time worker accident claims.