£14k Compensation Payout For A Slip In A Supermarket | Case Study

By Jo Anderson. Last Updated 10th February 2025. Welcome to this case study covering personal injury claims payouts for a slip in a supermarket. Below, you’ll find details of how much compensation for a fall one person received and how fall claims solicitors help with such claims.

We also discuss the question of ‘What’s the average payout for a slip and fall in the UK?’ We examine how someone could claim for a fall accident in a supermarket, and what could affect the slip and fall compensation amounts they could receive.

We also answer slip, trip and fall claims questions about how much compensation for a fall in the UK you could receive, as well as ‘How long do I have to claim slip and fall compensation amounts?’ Mainly though, we explain how a supermarket floor slip led to compensation for one claimant.

If you have any questions or need help starting your claim, please get in touch with one of the advisors from our team. To speak to an advisor:

Man walking about to step on banana peel on the ground

Select A Section

  1. Case Study – Supermarket Slip And Fall
  2. Slip And Fall Claims – Who Is Eligible For A Fall Claim?
  3. How Long Do I Have To Claim Slip And Fall Compensation Amounts?
  4. How Is Compensation For A Slip In A Supermarket Calculated?
  5. Do I Need Evidence To Make A Trip And Fall Claim?
  6. No Win No Fee Supermarket Injury Claims
  7. Useful Links Relating to Personal Injury Claims For A Slip In A Supermarket

Case Study – Supermarket Slip And Fall

In this case study, we are going to look at the case of Mrs A, a woman in her 40s who suffered a slip in a supermarket. The slip, trip and fall injury happened because the supermarket had been negligent causing Mrs A to slip on a wet floor. So what happened? Mrs A was shopping at a popular chain of supermarket in Preston, near her home. It was winter and the weather was particularly bad. It was raining heavily outside and very windy. Unfortunately, the supermarket had large automatic doors which opened when shoppers entered or left the store.

The wind was blowing rain in through the doors into the store. Rain, mud and damp fallen leaves were also being walked in by shoppers on their shoes, as there wasn’t a mat in place for people to wipe their feet. As Mrs A left the supermarket she slipped on the wet floor. This slip, trip and fall accident resulted in Mrs A suffering a fractured wrist as she instinctively put out her hand to protect herself.

What Injuries Did The Claimant Sustain In Their Accident In A Supermarket?

After her accident in a supermarket Mrs A went to hospital, where she was diagnosed with and treated for a fractured wrist. The effects of a broken wrist or fractured wrist are the same, and as we use our wrists in many daily tasks, from working, to cooking, to driving and our personal care, the results of such an injury can be quite debilitating. It is also a very painful injury. A broken or fractured wrist can take between six to eight weeks to heal and in some cases the victim may experience ongoing effects such as ongoing pain or loss of mobility which may take more time to heal. As you can imagine Mrs A’s injuries would have not only been painful, but would have had an overall negative effect on her quality of life.

If you believe you or someone you know has a broken or fractured wrist, you should look for these symptoms. Symptoms of a broken or fractured wrist can include: bruising and swelling, tenderness, a snapping noise or grinding noise when the injury took place and a tingling and numbness. The wrist may also now be an odd shape. If you are displaying any of these symptoms, seek appropriate medical treatment immediately.

Slip And Fall Claims – Who Is Eligible For A Fall Claim?

Before discussing how much compensation you could get for a fall in a supermarket, it’s important to check whether you have an eligible claim.

In certain situations, there are other people who are reasonably responsible for your well-being. This is known as the duty of care. It is when this duty is breached and you sustain an injury that you might have a strong claim.

The eligibility of a slip in a supermarket claim is as follows:

  • The person controlling the supermarket had a duty of care towards you.
  • They were in breach of this duty.
  • You suffered an avoidable injury due to this breach.

Some situations where a supermarket owes you a duty of care:

  • As an occupier: In the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, an occupier is an entity which controls a public place. According to this law, a supermarket must reasonably protect the well-being of all visitors by assessing and signposting potential risks. If you slip and fall in a supermarket due to a breach of this duty, you may have an eligible public liability claim against them.
  • As an employer: According to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, employers have to take practicable steps to ensure the safety of their employees. If you work in a supermarket and suffer an injury due to a breach of this duty, you may have an eligible accident at work claim against your employer.

Speak to advisors now if you need help in pinpointing the duty of care in your case.

How Long Do I Have To Claim Slip And Fall Compensation Amounts? 

The Limitation Act 1980, states that you will have three years to start a personal injury claim from the date of the accident. This time limit also applies to slip and fall claims.

However, there are certain exceptions to this time limit. For instance, if a child is injured in a slip and fall, then the time limit is paused until their 18th birthday. Before that day arrives, a claim could be made on the child’s behalf by a court-appointed litigation friend, which might be a family relative or guardian of the child. If a claim has not been made by the child’s 18th birthday, they will have three years to start a claim from that date.

For injured parties that lack the mental capacity to start their own claim, the three-year time limit is suspended indefinitely. A litigation friend could make a claim on the injured party’s behalf when this circumstance applies. However, if an injured party later regains sufficient mental capacity and a litigation friend hasn’t started a claim for them, then the time limit will start from the date of recovery.

For more information on slip and fall compensation amounts or to see if you have enough time to start a personal injury claim, you can contact our advisors today.

How Is Compensation For A Slip In A Supermarket Calculated?

If you’re wondering how much compensation for a fall you could receive, this would depend on the unique circumstances and facts of your case.

If your supermarket accident claim is successful, you could receive a payout that includes two heads of claim; general damages and special damages.

General damages compensates you for the injuries you’ve sustained and the pain and suffering you’ve experienced because of them. There is a publication that can help those calculating general damages, called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). It provides a range of guideline compensation brackets for various injuries at different severities.

Below, you can see a table containing figures from the JCG. This should only be used as guidance, however. We should also mention that the top figure in the table is not from the JCG.

Injury siteNotesGuideline Bracket
Multiple serious injuries inclusive of special damages.A combination of serious injuries causing not only significant pain and suffering but also financial expense, such as care costs or loss of income.Up to £300,000+
Back Injuries - Severe (i)Severe damage to the nerve roots and spinal cord that lead to serious consequences and severe pain.£111,150 to £196,450
Neck Injuries - Severe (i)A neck injury that results in permanent spastic quadriparesis or one that is associated with incomplete paraplegia.In the region of £181,020
Leg Injuries - Severe (iii) SeriousSerious comminuted or compound fractures, or joint/ligament damage that will result in instability.£47,840 to £66,920
Arm Injuries - Less Severe (c)The person will have suffered with significant disabilities, they will have made a substantial recovery.£23,430 to £47,810
Ankle Injuries - Moderate (c)Fractures or ligamentous tears that make it difficult to walk on uneven ground or for a long time.£16,770 to £32,450
Knee Injuries - Moderate (i)A dislocation or torn cartilage/meniscus that results in weakness, wasting and instability in the knee.£18,110 to £31,960
Skeletal Injuries - (b)Multiple facial bone fractures that result in some form of facial deformity.£18,180 to £29,220
Elbow Injuries - Moderate or Minor (c)Injuries such as tennis elbow syndrome, lacerations and simple fractures. The recovery time will affect how much is awarded.Up to £15,370
Achilles Tendon - Minor (d)A turning of the ankle that causes damage to the tendon.£8,870 to £15,370
Hand Injuries - Fracture of Index Finger (j)The fracture may have mended quickly but the hand's grip will have remained impaired.£11,120 to £14,930

Special damages, on the other hand, compensates for financial losses and costs caused by your injuries.

Special damages can include:

  • Travel expenses – For example, costs incurred travelling to medical appointments associated with your injuries.
  • Medical expenses – These could include the costs of mobility aids or prescriptions, for example.
  • Care costs – For the costs of care at home if you’ve been unable to take care of yourself due to your injuries.
  • Loss of income – For loss of earnings caused by your inability to work due to injury.

Presenting evidence of your losses, such as with payslips and bank statements, could help you with claiming special damages.

To discuss slip and fall compensation amounts in further detail, or to get started with a claim, please contact an advisor.

Do I Need Evidence To Make A Trip And Fall Claim?

When you make a personal injury claim, it’s your responsibility to provide proof. Evidence is essential when making a claim, and collecting the right kinds can help you prove who was responsible for your injuries, the circumstances of your slip and fall, and the effect it will have on your life going forward.

Some examples of evidence that you could potentially use to prove your claim can include:

  • CCTV footage: Most supermarkets have CCTV systems. If your accident was covered by a CCTV camera, then you may be able to request the footage and use it as evidence in your claim.
  • Photographs: Taking pictures of your injuries can help illustrate their severity. Likewise, pictures of the accident scene can help evidence who is at fault.
  • Medical records: Your medical records can give needed insight into how severe your injuries are, and what kind of treatments you’ll need to recover.
  • Witness statements: You can’t take statements down yourself. However, if you take down the contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident, then a professional can take their statements at a later date.

One of the benefits of working with a solicitor when you make a claim is that they can help you prove your case. A solicitor can take witness statements, request photographs and footage, and even arrange for you to undergo an independent medical assessment.

To learn more about the average payout for a slip and fall in the UK, contact our team. Or read on to learn how one of our solicitors could help you.

No Win No Fee Supermarket Injury Claims

Now we have explained how much compensation for a fall in a supermarket could be appropriate, let us move on to whether you could use a solicitor to help you make your claim.

One of our solicitors may offer to take on your personal injury compensation claim under a No Win No Fee arrangement. This means you would not typically have to pay them upfront for their work. Instead, under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), you would pay them a legally capped success fee out of your compensation payout.

If your slip and fall compensation claim was unsuccessful, and there was no payout, you would not typically have to pay the solicitor for their work.

To learn more about No Win No Fee supermarket accident claims, or to check your eligibility to work with one of our solicitors, please contact an advisor.

  • Telephone: 0800 073 8801
  • Contact form: Contact us by filling out our form
  • Live chat: Speak with an advisor via the function below.

Useful Links Relating to Personal Injury Claims For A Slip In A Supermarket

These guides contain information on how to claim after a slip, trip, or fall in a supermarket. Or for claims against other retailer, or other locations.

Here are some external links for further reading: