Advice On UK GDPR Data Breach Compensation Claims

Suffering a personal data breach can be a distressing and confusing experience. At accident claims, we understand this. That’s why we have made this guide to claiming data breach compensation after your personal information has been compromised.

In addition to examining the eligibility criteria and applicable time limits when claiming compensation for a data breach, we have also included an explanation of how this compensation may be calculated for both material and non material damage.

In the final section, we take a look at the No Win No Fee contract our solicitors can offer legal services under, with particular reference to how potential claimants will benefit if they choose to make their claim under these terms.

To find out if you’re eligible to claim or to ask our dedicated advisory team any questions, get in touch today using the contact information provided here:

  • You can reach our friendly, knowledgeable team on 0800 073 8801
  • You can also chat with us now using the live chat box
  • Or write to us about your case online

Can I Make A Data Breach Compensation Claim?

The UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 outline a data controller and data processor’s responsibilities to protect your personal data.

If they fail to adhere to these pieces of data protection law, you may be entitled to seek compensation for a data protection breach. However, certain criteria must be met. This includes proving:

  • A data controller or processor failed to adhere to data protection law.
  • Their wrongful conduct caused a personal data breach to occur.
  • As a result, you were affected financially or psychologically.

Data breach compensation amounts in the UK can address the way in which you have been impacted by your personal information being compromised.

To learn whether you could be eligible to claim after a UK GDPR breach and whether compensation amounts could be awarded, get in touch on the number above.

How Long Do I Have To Make A UK GDPR Data Breach Claim?

If your personal information has been compromised due to a breach of the UK GDPR, compensation can only be awarded to you if you meet the relevant eligibility criteria. Additionally, your personal data breach claim must also be started within the correct time limit.

Generally, you will have six years to launch your claim.

To see if you could be eligible to work with one of our solicitors, you can contact our advisors today. They can also help answer any questions you may have about the rules set out in the UK GDPR and how to claim compensation for a breach of your personal data.

Picture showing GDPR in white letters on a red text