By Joanne Jeffries. Last Updated 1st November 2021. Welcome to this page which includes information on personal injury claims payouts for a broken wrist.
Have you suffered a broken wrist, fractured wrist or sprained wrist injury that was not your fault? Then you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in broken wrist compensation, wrist fracture settlement or a sprained wrist compensation settlement worth tens of thousands of pounds.
Trust Accident Claims UK to represent your wrist injury compensation claim. We are a trusted personal injury solicitor’s firm, with an excellent track record of helping victims of wrist injury accidents claim the wrist injury compensation that they are entitled to. We offer a free consultation for anyone looking to claim compensation for a broken wrist, fractured wrist or wrist sprain. Call us today on 0800 073 8801 to see if you have legitimate grounds to make a broken wrist claim, find out how much compensation for a wrist injury you could claim and be provided with an excellent personal injury lawyer. If you have legitimate grounds to claim compensation for a broken wrist, or a wrist injury compensation claim then we would love to work with you, so call today.
Broken Wrist At Work
In this case study, we are going to look at the case of Mr N who suffered a broken wrist at work. If you suffer a personal injury at work, which was caused by third party negligence on the part of your employer, you can claim compensation whether you are a permanent employee or a contractor. Mr N worked as a contractor for Network Rail. When working onsite, Mr N suffered a slip, trip and fall accident where he fell over an unmarked steel peg. Fall accidents are common causes of hand, wrist and finger injuries, as people will often instinctively put their hand out to protect themselves, causing damage to this area.
How Common Are Slip, Trip And Fall Accidents In The Workplace?
37% of all reported workplace injuries are the result of slips, trips and falls. What’s more, each year around 50 people die because of slips, trips and falls in the workplace. This is about 28% of all workplace fatalities. Therefore, employers must take great care not to endanger staff, contractors and other people who use this business, by leaving obstructions on the floor.
What Injuries Did The Claimant Suffer In This Case?
As a result of his accident, Mr N was left with a fractured wrist. Over the long term, this left him with a lack of flexibility in his wrist. As a manual worker, he was concerned that this would affect his employment opportunities. Mr N contacted a personal injury solicitor’s firm about the possibility of suing for compensation for a broken wrist. The firm arranged for Mr N to have his injuries assessed by a hand and wrist specialist to get an accurate diagnosis, this assessment included an MRI scan. As a result of the medical assessment, the hand and wrist specialist concluded that Mr N’s injuries could heal in 6-12 months, but it was likely that he would suffer permanent damage that would be likely to affect his career as a manual railway worker. Mr N’s solicitors used the medical report to value Mr N’s claim.
What Allegation Was Made And How Was Liability Established?
Mr N’s personal injury solicitor wrote a letter of claim to Network Rail (the Defendant), establishing that Mr N (the Claimant) wished to make a wrist fracture settlement for the broken wrist at work that he suffered. The Defendant disputed liability, arguing that Mr N hadn’t paid attention to the peg, and wouldn’t have suffered the accident if he had noticed the hazard. The Defendant tried to push the Claimant to accept 33% liability for his injuries, a significant portion of the potential wrist fracture settlement.
Following on from Mr N’s medical assessment, the Claimant’s solicitor sent the Schedule of Loss and medical report to Network Rail’s insurer. The Defendant did not put forward a reasonable offer. In Great Britain there is a three year personal injury claim time limit, meaning that a Claimant only has three years since their accident or injury diagnosis in which to claim. The Defendant’s solicitor offered Mr N £11,376 in compensation, which his personal injury solicitor advised him to reject.
Mr N’s solicitors were concerned that the dispute of liability may push the broken wrist at work compensation claim beyond the time limit, so they decided to settle the matter in court and issued court proceedings.
How Much Compensation Was Awarded In This Case?
Rather than go to court, the Defendant’s solicitor agreed to enter into negotiations with the Claimant’s solicitor. After a lengthy negotiation, the liability was settled at 90/10 in favour of the defendant, which was a large increase on the previous offer. Mr N was awarded £40,275 in compensation for a broken wrist at work, which he accepted. This concluded his fractured wrist settlement.
No Win No Fee Broken Wrist Injury Compensation Claims
Do you wish to claim broken wrist compensation, sprained wrist compensation or fractured wrist compensation? If you have suffered a sprained wrist, broken wrist or fractured injury that was not your fault, you could be entitled to make a wrist injury compensation claim for tens of thousands of pounds. Clients often ask us, “how much compensation can I claim for a wrist injury?” This depends of the severity of your wrist injury and the circumstances surrounding your broken wrist compensation claim, but payouts are often in the tens of thousands of pounds. Our knowledgeable advisors can accurately estimate how much your broken wrist injury could be worth during your telephone consultation. Call us today to see how much broken wrist compensation you could be entitled to.
Did you know that if you use Accident Claims UK to claim compensation for a broken wrist, whether its a broken wrist that you experienced at work or elsewhere, we can provide you with a no win no fee solicitor? What does no win no fee mean? No win no fee, formally known as a Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA) means that you can make a wrist injury compensation claim without paying an upfront fee. Instead, your fee is taken from your settlement on the condition that you win your claim. The fee will be taken from your broken or fractured wrist settlement, making no win no fee the a good option to make your claim. Understandably, people making a claim for compensation for a broken wrist can be reluctant to pay an upfront solicitor’s fee, in case they don’t win. With a no win no fee solicitor, there is no financial risk to you, as there’s nothing to pay unless you win. Call Accident Claims UK, to enquire about making a no win no fee claim today.
Contact Accident Claims UK About Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Broken Wrist
If you wish to claim compensation for a broken wrist, contact Accident Claims UK today. We can help you claim a wrist fracture settlement, sprained wrist compensation or broken wrist compensation. Every client gets the option to make a no win no fee claim and our excellent personal injury solicitors will fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you are owed. If you think you might be owed broken wrist compensation, call Accident Claims UK for your free legal consultation. We will assess the details of your injury or accident to see if you are legally entitled to claim compensation, will estimate how much compensation for a wrist injury you could claim and will provide you with an excellent no win no fee solicitor, to help you claim compensation for your injuries. If you are owed compensation for a broken wrist, call us today to begin your claim.
Could Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Broken Wrist Be Made By Other People?
Usually, claimants would claim on their own behalf for a broken wrist. However personal injury claims payouts for a broken wrist and other injuries leading to a fatality could be claimed by dependents or their representatives for a deceased person. Unfortunately, as well as a broken wrist, somebody could incur more serious injuries in a workplace accident. According to the Health and Safety Executive, in 2020- 2021, there were sadly 142 people who lost their lives in workplace accidents. The reasons for these accidents included falls from height, as well as other causes that you can see in the graphic below.
To make a claim for somebody who has died as the result of a workplace accident, you would need to be able to prove that their employer was at fault for the accident that caused their injuries. This does not mean they caused the accident, rather that they could have prevented it from happening had they put the required health and safety practises in place. If you would like to claim compensation for the loss of a loved one, we could help.
How do I maximise personal injury claims payouts for a broken wrist at work?
The compensation amounts you could receive could vary wildly on the evidence that you have and the level of severity of your injuries. Compensation settlements in the UK could include compensation for loss of earnings as well as for your pain and suffering and other associated costs. The evidence you submit, therefore, could significantly impact your compensation payout. Some of the most important evidence that could maximise personal injury compensation payouts in the UK could include the medical report. During the course of your claim, you would attend a medical appointment with an independent medical professional. They would need to examine your injuries and ask questions about your pain and suffering and how they have affected you. Once they have your answers and they have examined you, they could then write a detailed medical report which could not only help to evidence your injuries but could give details of your eventual prognosis. Other evidence that could be important in your personal injury claim could include witness statements, photographs of the injury or the scene of the accident and your own personal statement of what has happened to you.
Would I get personal injury claims payouts for a broken wrist in a road traffic accident?
If the accident in question was not your fault and you suffered a broken wrist in a road traffic accident, we could help you. We would be happy to help you whether you were injured as a motorist, pedestrian, motorcyclists or cyclist or even if you were a passenger in a vehicle. Not only this, but we could help with public transport accidents that lead to injuries too. Our specialist solicitors, authorised and regulated by the solicitors regulation or authority could help fight for the maximum compensation payouts for your injuries.
Would I have to use a local solicitor to claim personal injury compensation payouts?
Whilst it is true that you could use a solicitor that is based local to you, you may wish to choose a solicitor that is based elsewhere in the UK. You are well within your rights to do so, and this could open up more options when it comes to choosing a solicitor to suit you.
Useful Links Relating To Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Broken Wrist
Accident At Work Claims Guide – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?
Find out how much compensation you could be entitled to after this type of accident in the workplace.
How Much Compensation Can You Claim For A Slip, Trip And Fall Injury?
Sips and falls can happen whilst at work, or whilst in numerous other situations. Find out how to claim compensation in this guide.
NHS Guide: Broken Arm Or Wrist
How serious is a broken wrist or arm? Find out in this NHS guide.
Thank you for reading this guide on personal injury claims payouts for a broken wrist. To speak to us about getting a settlement amount for financial losses or medical treatment costs from different types of wrist injury, whether a Colles fracture, carpal tunnel syndrome or because you’ve suffered a wrist injury from sporting activities, please call us. We could answer your questions if someone has breached their duty of care towards you or if you’ve got questions about a compensation calculator.