By Joanne Jeffries. Last Updated 15th November 2021. Welcome to this case study surrounding personal injury claims payouts for fractured ribs.
Fractured ribs compensation
Accident Claims UK has dealt with many claims for compensation including those where the claimant has suffered fractured ribs at work. This case study shows how a claim for fractured ribs might progress, how we deal with your claim and the types of accident that can lead to fractured ribs at work.
We are using this case study as an example of how we can help people who’ve suffered fractured ribs at work or in any situation claim compensation if the injury was not your own fault. This case study shows how an injured worker was awarded £250,000 compensation after suffering fractured ribs at work and other injuries that had a serious, life-changing impact, on the claimant.
In this accident the claimant was working for a forklift repair and servicing company. On the day that the accident happened the claimant was overseeing the delivery of a forklift, As the forklift truck being unloaded from the delivery lorry another forklift was reversed in to the claimant resulting in him being crushed. These crush injuries led to his fractured ribs at work claim as well as a claim for other fractures as well.
Accidents And Injuries Caused By Forklift Trucks
The forklift truck is by far one of the most useful pieces of equipment and machines used in warehousing across the world today. The ability to move items around the warehouse and receive deliveries from large lorries makes the forklift truck invaluable but at the same time it can lead to serious and life-threatening accidents and injuries as we can see from this case study.
According to a Health and Safety Executive report the largest number of accidents at work including vehicles are caused, or involve, forklift trucks. It’s impossible to say how many of these accidents at work have resulted in fractured ribs (as it’s not recorded in the report) but the number of enquiries we receive asking about a rib injury, broken rib claim amounts or average compensation for fractured ribs that involve a forklift truck suggest it’s fairly high.
As well as crushing injuries, as in this case causing fractured ribs at work, other types of forklift accidents include the forklift tipping over due to too much weight being lifted or improperly balanced weight or loads falling from the forklift. Any of these loading type of accident can lead to injuries to the forklift driver or any other worker or visitor unlucky enough to be standing nearby. If it is found that somebody had been injured because of negligence in the workplace then a compensation claim would likely be made.
Fractured Rib Injuries
The claimant in this case, fractured multiple ribs, both collar bones, his arm, ankle and leg which led to two months in hospital. Although the claimant attempted to return to work, his broken ribs and multiple other injuries led to him not being able to continue in his job. This would mean a loss of earnings and potentially loss of future earnings that may have seen the claimant miss out on pay increases or promotion, these would be taken into account in the claim for compensation.
If you’re wondering if you’ve cracked a rib at work or not sure if you’d be entitled for a pain and suffering settlement for a fractured rib, then it’s worth considering the NHS symptoms to check if you have indeed fractured your ribs. Certainly the best approach is to visit A&E so you can be checked over promptly but the symptoms for fractured ribs include:
- Hearing a crack or feeling it happen: this is clear indication that you’ve fractured a rib.
- A strong pain in your chest, particularly when you breathe in.
- Swelling, bruising or tenderness around the rib area.
All of these symptoms could suggest that you’ve fractured a rib and as always, with any personal injury claim, our personal injury solicitors suggest that you report the accident to your employer and seek medical attention so that you receive the necessary treatment for your ribs, and that the injuries are recorded by a medical professional. This will be used as evidence in a compensation claim f you decide to make one.
Another injury the claimant suffered in this case study was a fractured ankle which, the NHS highlight, can be spotted by similar symptoms of severe pain, swelling, difficulty in putting weight on your foot or bleeding if the bone has split the skin.
Consequences Of The Claimants Broken Rib Injury
The consequences of the fractured ribs at work in this case (and the other injuries as well) was that the claimant spent a total of two months in hospital. He suffered severe pain for a while because fractured ribs can’t be treated with anything other than pain killers.
On top of the pain and stress caused by the fractured ribs and other injuries there were ongoing lower back issues which meant that, although the claimant tried to return to work, his employers had to terminate his contract of employment because he had trouble bending and climbing into and out of forklifts which, unfortunately, was an essential part of his job.
In this case the forklift truck accident led to multiple injuries and had a much longer lasting affect on the claimant than some of the less serious accidents where employees have simply cracked a rib. In cases such as these the settlement amount for broken ribs may be adjusted to take into account future pain and suffering as well as future financial losses which can increase any compensation payout quite significantly.
The Broken Rib At Work Settlement
In total the claimant who suffered the fractured ribs at work, as well as the other injuries, was awarded £250,000 for the pain and suffering settlement for their fractured ribs and the other injuries (general damages), and for financial losses and probable future loss of earnings (special damages).
This particular claim for compensation for the fractured ribs and other subsequent injuries was against the claimant’s employer and the employer of the other lorry driver involved in the forklift accident.
To make this sort of claim the personal injury solicitor gained evidence that highlighted the financial losses due to the fractured ribs at work and also the full extent of medical evidence to support the claim. Any medical evidence can be vital to how much compensation a claimant may receive which is why at Accident Claims UK we arrange a free medical local to our claimants when processing a claim.
No Win No Fee Broken Rib At Work Claims
People ask us “what is the average compensation for fractured ribs at work?” or “How much compensation for bruised ribs?” but it’s very difficult to suggest an amount as each fractured ribs claim is different. If you look at this page on broken bones claims, you’ll be able to find a guide table to compensation payouts for related injuries which can give you a rough idea but it’s best to speak to us directly. This way we can examine the details of your fractured ribs claim before committing to an amount of compensation you may receive.
If you’re worried that claiming for your rib injury will be expensive then you’ll be pleased to hear that Accident Claims UK offer a no win, no fee service for any personal injury claims that we take on. This means that our clients don’t pay a penny to us unless we win them compensation. There are no upfront fees to pay (making your fractured ribs at work claim risk free) and you’ll only pay us a set amount if we are successful in obtaining compensation for you which is taken directly from the compensation.
Begin Your Claim Today And Receive Personal Injury Claims Payouts for Fractured Ribs
If you would like Accident Claims UK to set your fractured ribs at work claim in progress and on a no win, no fee basis then please get in touch today and we’ll start with a free consultation with you to learn more about what caused your fractured ribs at work and what we can do to get you the compensation you deserve.
To begin simply email (, use our contact form, use our live chat facility or call us free on 0800 073 8801.
Our team have dealt with many work accident claims and understand that making a personal injury claim for fractured ribs at work against your current employer may be a difficult choice to make. We deal with every work injury claim professionally and deal with your employer in a friendly manner. Employers cannot discriminate against you for making a claim against them.
How common are personal injury claims payouts for fractured ribs related to forklift accidents?
When it comes to the number of workplace injuries related to forklift accidents, we do not have specific figures for this. However, we can tell you that there are certain workplace accidents that could be caused by being struck by a moving object, which could include a forklift truck. In fact, in 2020- 2021, according to the HSE, 142 people lost their life in workplace accidents. You can see the number of people who were fatally injured by a moving vehicle or moving objects in the chart below.
What could personal injury claims payouts for fractured ribs include?
When you launch a claim for personal injury compensation, payouts could include both special damages and general damages. Special damages are designed to compensate claimants for their financial losses and costs that were caused by the accident and their injuries. These could include the likes of loss of earnings, care costs and travel expenses. They could also include medical costs. In terms of general damages, these would compensate claimants for their suffering and pain and loss of amenity.
What evidence would I need to maximise personal injury claims payouts for fractured ribs?
In order to maximise the special damages that you could receive, you would need to be able to provide evidence of them. Things like pay slips, bank statements receipts and bills could all be useful in proving the actual costs you’ve incurred and the losses you’ve sustained due to your accident and injuries.
To maximise general damages compensation settlements in the UK, you would need independent medical evidence. This could be collected by attending a medical appointment with an independent medical specialist. They could then examine your injuries, and write up a medical report that could be used to evidence them. This evidence could be used by courts and lawyers to determine an appropriate compensation settlement for your injuries and the suffering you’ve born because of them.
Do I need a lawyer to get personal injury claims payouts for fractured ribs?
While you could opt to go it alone when making a claim for compensation, there are many reasons claimants prefer to use the services of reputable personal injury solicitors who are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Your choice of solicitor could significantly impact your compensation payouts, two. This is why it’s important to check out any lawyer you are considering using for you go ahead and sign up to their services. We would advise you to strongly consider using lawyers that work on a no win no fee basis. You could also take a look at any past reviews that previous claimants may have left them on independent websites. This could give you some idea of the types and levels of services they provide. It could also give you some insight into how successful they’ve been in the past. If you would like us to provide you with a specialist solicitor with up to 30 years of experience to help you with your claim, we would be happy to help.
Useful Links Relating To Personal Injury Claims Payouts for Fractured Ribs
Here are some links that you may find useful. Some of them may not be specifically about fractured ribs at work but should be relevant if you’re considering making a claim.
A useful guide for anybody wishing to claim compensation should a family member or loved one have been fatally injured at work.
NHS Broken Ribs – Symptoms of fractured or bruised ribs.
Health & Safety Executive – Guide to Fork Lift Truck Safety
Thank you for reading this case study relating to personal injury claims payouts for fractured ribs. Whether you’re seeking information on the average settlement for broken ribs or want to know if you can claim for medical bills for medical treatment for a rib fracture, lost wages or other medical or travel expenses, we could help. Whether you suffered head injuries as well as rib injuries in a car crash or other auto accident, or due to a slip trip or fall, we could provide you with legal advice and a personal injury lawyer to assist with your claim.