By Joanne Jeffries. Last Updated November 9th 2021. Welcome to this case study covering personal injury claims payouts for a broken nose.
Below we will expand on the details of this claim, and also take a look at the injury the claimant sustained, and how it is generally treated. We also discuss work-related accidents, as well as work injuries caused by violence.
How Commonly Are People Assaulted In Their Workplace?
The Health & Safety Executive in the UK, administers a whole range of legislation that pertains to the security industry. Every security company in the UK, is legally obliged to comply with all of these regulations at all times. Many of these are general guidelines for keeping staff safe and healthy while at work. However, the legislation for the security industry also includes whole sections related to personal safety whilst apprehending a suspect, and how to carry out a search safely. The security company must train their staff in all of these Health & Safety guidelines. When the company fails in its compliance, and it leads to an accident at work, a valid reason to make a personal injury claim could exist.
In this case, there were several breaches of compliance. For example, the security officer was working alone, when legislation clearly states that security offers should work in pairs or teams at all times. Furthermore, it is questionable whether the firm provided proper training in the apprehension of an offender.
Broken nose accident statistics
Violence at work is a fairly common occurrence. In the UK in 2017, there were almost 650,000 reported cases of workplace violence. The graph above gives a little more detail on statistics for assault and violance at work.
What Was The Nature Of The Claimants Injury?
In this case, the claimant suffered a very serious broken nose. This was the basis of him making a nose fracture claim. A broken nose is a very painful injury, and in some cases, can cause respiratory problems, as was the case with the claimant. Furthermore, in some cases, there is a need to set the nose straight, before it heals, so that it does not heal crookedly. In this case, claimant’s nose was broken so severely, that corrective surgery was required before the bone could begin to heal. This led to the aforementioned breathing problems, which the claimant was eventually compensated for.
How Cases Such As This Are Conducted
This case is interesting, due to the diligence of the security officer who was injured, and the simple route to the resolution of the claim. The victim had worked for his employer for over a year and a half. He had been carrying out his daily duties, checking over the premises, giving security warnings to the other staff, observing the behaviour of shoppers, and maintaining order. During the day, he noticed what he thought to be a shoplifter, and decided to take action, as this was part of his job role.
The claimant followed the suspect, keeping a close watch on them, and was able to confirm that the person was indeed a shoplifter. When the suspect left the shop, the claimant followed them outside, and apprehended them. As he gripped the arm of the shoplifter to escort him back inside, he was head-butted in the face, which caused the broken nose. This was the situation that resulted in the claimant finding a personal injury lawyer, to pursue a claim for broken nose compensation. The defendant had clearly been to blame for this eventuality, due to the aforementioned failure in Health & Safety compliance.
What Settlement Was The Security Officer Awarded?
The amount of compensation paid in broken nose settlements can vary quite widely. Much depends on how the injury occurred, and of course, how bad it is. In this case, the claimant was awarded a little over £15,000 which is at the upper end of the scale. The Judicial Guidelines that court judges follow for such claims, states that the suitable compensation range for a broken nose is from £9,330 to £20,280 (including a 10% uplift).
The claimant reached an out of court settlement with his employer. Compensation was sought for the pain and suffering of the injury, the lengthy recovery period, and the problems with breathing. It is unclear whether any provision in the settlement was made for financial losses such as loss of earnings.
This is a textbook case of a solicitor successfully pursuing a compensation claim for a work-related injury. It was simple to prove that the employer had been at fault, and the testimony of the claimant was not refuted by his employer. The solicitor did an excellent job of winning a compensation settlement that was fairly high, considering the circumstances of the incident, and the severity of the injury.
No Win No Fee Claims For An Assault At Work Leading To A Broken Nose
Accident Claims UK operates as a team of No Win No Fee solicitors, providing a national claims service, to all residents of the UK. Our No Win No Fee service has proven to be successful in winning compensation for our clients, across a wide range of different types of claims.
Understanding the fee structure we use for our claims service, is really very simple. Basically, you don’t pay anything until we win a compensation payment for you. When you come to us with a fresh claim, we charge nothing to take it on. As we are processing your claim, we won’t ask you to pay anything towards your legal fees. It could take many months for us to reach a claim settlement, and there is no cost at all during this time. If we fail to win you a compensation settlement, we won’t charge you anything at all; you walk away having paid nothing. When we do receive a compensation payment for you though, this is when we will take our agreed percentage as a fee, and we will give you the remaining balance.
As you can see, our claims service is a financially risk-free way to pursue a compensation claim for a work-related injury. Call Accident Claims UK today, on the number below, and we can get your claim started as soon as possible.
Start Your Claim Today For Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Broken Nose
If you are ready to engage a personal injury solicitor, to process a claim for personal injury compensation following an injury at work, call Accident Claims UK on 0800 073 8801 today. Our team is waiting to take your call. When you contact us, you will be asked a series of questions, the answers to which will give us a better idea of your injuries and the accident that caused them.
Once we know enough to give you informed advice, we will tell you what we think you should do next. In most cases, this will be to use our national claims service, to get you the compensation you are eligible for.
We always explain everything we do on your behalf, and we use plain English to do this, and skip the legal jargon entirely. We are always just a phone call away to answer any questions you might have about your claim, or to get an update on its status.
Would personal injury claims payouts for a broken nose differ depending on who I was claiming against?
When you make a criminal injury claim through the CICA, you may find the compensation payout you’d receive would be different from the settlement amounts you could get from making a case against an employer, for example. This is because the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority has its own tariff by which it compensates victims of violent crime. In addition to the difference in the general damages you could receive through this scheme for the pain and suffering of your injuries, the special damages you could receive in a claim against an employer, for example would differ from the costs you could claim through the CICA for loss of earnings, for example. If you’re wondering who your claim would be against, or want to get some idea of the compensation you could receive claiming through the CICA or claiming through a personal injury claim levied against an employer, we could help you. We would be happy to explain the difference between compensation settlements in the UK for criminal injuries compensation, and those from personal injury compensation claims.
Could I receive personal injury claims payouts for a broken nose from a road traffic accident?
Every year in the UK, people are injured in road traffic accidents. Whether you have suffered an injury as a pedestrian who was run over, or a passenger in a taxi, or even if you were a motorist or motorcyclist, if you could prove someone else was at fault for your broken nose, you could make a claim for compensation. You can see below how common it is to be injured on UK roads. The Department for Transport statistics that we have included below showing the type of road users injured in accidents on UK roads in 2020. The number of casualties, despite there being four month’s worth of lockdowns in the UK during this time, might surprise you.
If you would like to make a compensation claim for a broken nose from a road traffic accident, we could help you. You would need to be able to prove that the accident was someone else’s fault and that your injuries were caused because of it. Our specialist solicitors, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority could assist you. By choosing specialist solicitors with up to 30 years of experience for your claim, you could have peace of mind that they’d be able to fight for the maximum compensation settlements possible for your claim.
Do I need a local solicitor to get personal injury claims payouts for a broken nose?
No matter the reason for your accident, if you could prove somebody else was at fault for it and that they had a duty of care towards you, which they breached, you could make a claim for compensation. When it comes to choosing a solicitor for your claim, you might be shocked to learn that you do not have to stick with one in your local area. You could have the choice of any law firm or solicitor in the UK to handle your claim. This is because a great deal of the claims process could be handled by way of letter, email, and video chats. You may never need to meet your lawyer face to face. However, if you did want to meet with them, this could be arranged. We could find you a solicitor to help you with a no win no fee claim no matter where in the UK you are based.
Useful Links Relating To Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Broken Nose
At the link below, you will find a complete guide to making a claim for an injury caused by an accident at work:
A guide to claiming for an accident at work
At the link below, you will find a complete guide to making a claim for a head injury caused by an accident:
A guide to claiming for a head injury
You will find a PDF document at this link below; it covers many cases of work-related injuries, including those caused by work-related violence, relating to people working in the security industry:
UK Government examples of Health & Safety cases in the security industry
The NHS has published detailed information about broken nose injuries, what they are, how they happen, and the treatment they need, at this link:
NHS information on broken nose injuries
Thank you for reading this case study relating to personal injury claims payouts for a broken nose. If you suffer a nose injury that has led to a loss of sense of smell, or suffered a broken nose in a car accident that is extremely painful and leads to surgery, or another type of injury that was not your fault in England and Wales, we could help you make a nose injury claim.